The other day I was talking to a colleague about how it is the same for me to shoot a wedding in the most luxurious venue or in the most simple backyard. To which he replied back saying that he still loved weddings that looked good, or that were beautiful.
I went home thinking about it. I guess I felt I could have expanded on what I meant, but didn’t really find the correct words at the moment to put my thoughts together.
So here’s a little bit of what I think.
For me, beauty is important. I think as creators we should all aspire to make something that has some kind of beauty. The thing which is key in all this is… what does beauty mean to you. Not talking about what everyone thinks it’s beautiful, but what you personally find beautiful.
I think that for me, moments, reality, and people specifically are beautiful. A person, no matter who, holds more beauty for me next to a flower, or jewelry, or a gorgeous scenery. Not saying that everything else is not pretty or beautiful, but I’m conscious that if I have to choose what to capture and what to show, I’ll go for what I think holds the most beauty. The same goes for meaningful and valuable things, even though they’re different concepts.
The kind of beauty that we love, the intrinsic beauty of people, we can find in the biggest wedding, or in the most usual places.
Moments in Between